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Generation of Herbicide Tolerance Traits and a New Selectable Marker in Wheat Using Base-editing

Rui Zhang, Jinxing Liu, Zhuangzhuang Chai, Sha Chen, Yang Bai, Yuan Zong, Kunling Chen, Jiayang Li, Linjian Jiang and Caixia Gao

Nature Plants


Developing herbicide tolerant (HT) varieties by genome editing holds great promise for addressing the worsening weed problems in wheat cultivation. Here we generated transgene-free wheat germplasms harboring HT mutations that confer tolerance to sulfonylurea-, imidazolinone- and aryloxyphenoxy propionate-type herbicides by base editing the acetolactate synthase (ALS) and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) genes. These stackable HT traits provide a potentially powerful tool for weed management. In addition, we found that base editing at the wheat ALS P174 codon (TaALS-P174) endowed wheat with sufficient resistance to nicosulfuron herbicide in MS growth medium to allow selection. When the TaALS-P174 editor was coupled with editors for other targets of interest, co-editing occurred in the nicosulfuron-resistant plants, and selection for resistance in growth medium enriched the frequency of coupled targets by several-fold. This selectable co-editing system has the potential to greatly bolster adoption of base editing for crop improvement applications.


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