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Shulan Fu,Zhenling Lv,Zhi Gao,Huajun ...Xiu-Jie Wang,James A. Birchler,and Fangpu Han. De novo centromere formation on a chromosome fragment in maize. PNAS. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1303944110
时间:2013-03-28 来源: 点击:
De novo centromere formation on a chromosome fragment in maize

Shulan Fu,Zhenling Lv,Zhi Gao,Huajun Wu,Junling Pang,Bing Zhang,Qianhua Dong,Xiang Guo,Xiu-Jie Wang,James A. Birchler,and Fangpu Han





The centromere is the part of the chromosome that organizes the kinetochore, which mediates chromosome movement during mitosis and meiosis. A small fragment from chromosome 3, named Duplication 3a (Dp3a), was described from UV-irradiated materials by Stadler and Roman in the 1940s [Stadler LJ, Roman H (1948) Genetics 33(3):273–303]. The genetic behavior of Dp3a is reminiscent of a ring chromosome, but fluoresecent in situ hybridization detected telomeres at both ends, suggesting a linear structure. This small chromosome has no detectable canonical centromeric sequences, but contains a site with protein features of functional centromeres such as CENH3, the centromere specific H3 histone variant, and CENP-C, a foundational kinetochore protein, suggesting the de novo formation of a centromere on the chromatin fragment. To examine the sequences associated with CENH3, chromatin immunoprecipitation was carried out with anti-CENH3 antibodies using material from young seedlings with and without the Dp3a chromosome. A novel peak was detected from the ChIP-Sequencing reads of the Dp3a sample. The peak spanned 350 kb within the long arm of chromosome 3 covering 22 genes. Collectively, these results define the behavior and molecular features of de novo centromere formation in the Dp3a chromosome, which may shed light on the initiation of new centromere sites during evolution.
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