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Huajie Fan,Zhaoliang Zhang et al. SKB1/PRMT5-mediated Histone H4R3 Dimethylation of Ib Subgroup bHLH Genes Negatively Regulates Iron Homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal
时间:2013-11-19 来源: 点击:
SKB1/PRMT5-mediated Histone H4R3 Dimethylation of Ib Subgroup bHLH Genes Negatively Regulates Iron Homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Huajie Fan,Zhaoliang Zhang,Ning Wang,Yan Cui,Hua Sun,Yi Liu,Huilan Wu,Shusong Zheng,Shilai Bao,Hong-Qing Ling

The Plant Journal



Histone modifications play critical roles in the perception of environmental cues by plants. Here, we report that Shk 1 binding protein 1 (SKB1/AtPRMT5), which catalyzes symmetric dimethylation of histone H4R3 (H4R3sme2), is involved in iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis. SKB1-lesion mutant exhibited higher iron accumulation in shoots and greater tolerance to iron deficiency than wild-type. The expression of SKB1 was not affected by iron, but the level of H4R3sme2 mediated by SKB1 was related to iron status in plants. We showed by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and genome-wide ChIP-seq that SKB1 associated with the chromatin of the Ib subgroup bHLH genes (AtbHLH38, AtbHLH39, AtbHLH100, and AtbHLH101), and symmetrically dimethylated histone H4R3. The amount of SKB1 that associated with chromatin of the Ib subgroup bHLH genes and the level of H4R3sme2 corresponded to the iron status of plants (higher with increased iron supply and lower when iron was removed). We conclude that SKB1-mediated H4R3sme2 regulates iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis in the context of increasing or decreasing expression of Ib subgroup bHLH genes. Iron deficiency may cause an increase in disassociation of SKB1 from chromatin of the bHLH genes and a decrease in the level of H4R3sme2, thereby elevating their transcription and enhancing iron uptake. Our findings provide new insight into the molecular mechanisms of iron homeostasis in strategy I plants.

SKB1;H4R3sme2;bHLH transcription factors;iron homeostasis;Arabidopsis thaliana ;histone modification


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