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From Genetic Stock to Genome Editing: Gene Exploitation in Wheat
时间:2018-02-08 来源: 点击:



From Genetic Stock to Genome Editing: Gene Exploitation in Wheat

Meng Wang, Shubin Wang, Zhen Liang, Weiming Shi, Caixia Gao,Guangmin Xia

Trends in Biotechology



Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) ranks as one of our most important staple crops. However, its hexaploid nature has complicated our understanding of the genetic bases underlying many of its traits. Historically, functional genetic studies in wheat have focused on identifying natural variations and have contributed to assembling and enriching its genetic stock. Recently, mold-breaking advances in whole genome sequencing, exome-capture based mutant libraries, and genome editing have revolutionized strategies for genetic research in wheat. We review new trends in wheat functional genetic studies along with germplasm conservation and innovation, including the relevance of genetic stocks, and the application of sequencing-based mutagenesis and genome editing. We also highlight the potential of multiplex genome editing toolkits in addressing species-specific challenges in wheat.


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