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Efficient C-to-T base Editing in Plants Using a Fusion of nCas9 and Human APOBEC3A

Yuan Zong, Qianna Song, Chao Li, Shuai Jin, Dingbo Zhang, Yanpeng Wang, Jin-Long Qiu & Caixia Gao

Nature Biotechnology


Base editors (BEs) have been used to create C-to-T substitutions in various organisms. However, editing with rat APOBEC1-based BE3 is limited to a 5-nt sequence editing window and is inefficient in GC contexts. Here, we show that a base editor fusion protein composed of Cas9 nickase and human APOBEC3A (A3A-PBE) converts cytidine to thymidine efficiently in wheat, rice and potato with a 17-nucleotide editing window at all examined sites, independent of sequence context.
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