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Prime Genome Editing in Rice and Wheat

Qiupeng Lin, Yuan Zong, Chenxiao Xue, Shengxing Wang, Shuai Jin, Zixu Zhu, Yanpeng Wang, Andrew V. Anzalone, Aditya Raguram, Jordan L. Doman, David R. Liu & Caixia Gao

Nature Biotechnology


Prime editors, which are CRISPR–Cas9 nickase (H840A)–reverse transcriptase fusions programmed with prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs), can edit bases in mammalian cells without donor DNA or double-strand breaks. We adapted prime editors for use in plants through codon, promoter, and editing-condition optimization. The resulting suite of plant prime editors enable point mutations, insertions and deletions in rice and wheat protoplasts. Regenerated prime-edited rice plants were obtained at frequencies of up to 21.8%.
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