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Knl1 Participates in Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Signaling in Maize
Handong Su, Yang Liu, Chunhui Wang, Yalin Liu, Chao Feng, Yishuang Sun, Jing Yuan, James A. Birchler, and Fangpu Han



The Knl1-Mis12-Ndc80 (KMN) network is an essential component of the kinetochore–microtubule attachment interface, which is required for genomic stability in eukaryotes. However, little is known about plant Knl1 proteins because of their complex evolutionary history. Here, we cloned the Knl1 homolog from maize (Zea mays) and confirmed it as a constitutive central kinetochore component. Functional assays demonstrated their conserved role in chromosomal congression and segregation during nuclear division, thus causing defective cell division during kernel development when Knl1 transcript was depleted. A 145 aa region in the middle of maize Knl1, that did not involve the MELT repeats, was associated with the interaction of spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) components Bub1/Mad3 family proteins 1 and 2 (Bmf1/2) but not with the Bmf3 protein. They may form a helical conformation with a hydrophobic interface with the TPR domain of Bmf1/2, which is similar to that of vertebrates. However, this region detected in monocots shows extensive divergence in eudicots, suggesting that distinct modes of the SAC to kinetochore connection are present within plant lineages. These findings elucidate the conserved role of the KMN network in cell division and a striking dynamic of evolutionary patterns in the SAC signaling and kinetochore network.
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